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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19928
This Months Entries: 19
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: redmullet

Member#: 1225
Location: Aberdeen
Registered: 16-02-2005
Diary Entries: 93

Mood: Pleasantly chilled!
11th March 2006
Windsurfing: Ythan Estuary, Aberdeen
Wind Direction: SSE
Wind Stength: 20-25mph
Surf / Sea State: Flat, some chop
Air Temperature: Very cold
Sea Temperature: Cold
Weather: Almost sunny
Max Speed: 28mph (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 32 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Good, solid wind, and perfect 6.3m big board weather. Fully powered up the whole time, with flat conditions ideal for drag racing, with the odd bit of chop to jump off if required. Probably almost worth a 5* rating, except it was arctic and so the hands nearly dropped off due to the cold, so only gets 4*s. Rob and Jim also out and loving the conditions - except the cold, although when the sun was out, this was bearable. Still trying to break the elusive 30mph speed.
Toys Used:
Mistral Synchro 115L
Gun Target 6.3m
Rushwind Tsunami C55 430
MK Ergo 145-245
Maui Fin Company Freeride 32cm



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